SCIENCE - Our reports

In this section, we answer at a practical question from the sporting field, the medical staff or the business teams using some scientific rigorous methods to determine the level of scientific evidence. The objective of our scientific analysis is to question established practices, proposing more appropriate medical protocols, being wary of "we've always done it this way!".

19 posts

August 2023 - Reproducibility and validity

August 2023 - Reproducibility and validity

In this section we analyse the reliability of technological objects. In order to analyse the reliability, the authors of scientific studies evaluate the reproducibility of the measurement carried out with the technological object, they also evaluate the level of validity of this measurement. The reproducibility of a measurement consists in

August 2023 - The science side: PRP Case

August 2023 - The science side: PRP Case

This month, we look at the following questions: What is the effect of a PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection on: 1) tendinopathies, 2) osteoarthritis, 3) muscle lesions, 4) sprains? What is it all about ? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injection is a procedure in which blood is taken from a patient, centrifuged

Scientific evidence and recommendations

Scientific evidence and recommendations

The development of society is characterised by an acceleration in the production and dissemination of knowledge and information. Today, the amount of information produced daily in the world is greater than the capacity of a human brain to absorb it in a lifetime. Very often we receive more information than

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