INNOVATION - Latest Innovations

In this section, we identify innovative solutions, products and start-ups that could ultimately play a major role in the field of health and sports performance. Revolutionary idea, already successful product or emerging solution, we keep abreast of new trends to allow you to always be one step ahead.

26 posts

August 2023 - Vokalo

August 2023 - Vokalo

Vokalo facilitates real-time communication between coaches and athletes. Support : wearable communication devices Solution: Vokalo offers a lightweight and ergonomic communication system that allows each player to establish personalized communication with the different members of the staff, so that tactical information or medical data, for example, can be shared in real

August 2023 - Logicink

August 2023 - Logicink

Logicink wearable biochemical sensors monitor daily health. Support: wearable technology platform Solution : LogicInk's wearable and non-invasive sensors help monitoring health, focusing on providing immediate, visual feedback regarding UV exposure, hydration levels, skin microbiome and potentially other environmental and physiological factors affecting daily health and well-being. Expertise : logicInk’s

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